Pickle Juice for Cramps: Does It Work?
Medically reviewed by Katherine Marengo, LDN, RD, specialty in nutrition, on September 12, 2019m| Written by Adrian White What does pickle juice have to do with cramps? Pickle juice has become a popular remedy for leg cramps over the years — specifically for the cramps runners and athletes get after a workout. Some athletes swear…
Drinking Pickle Juice for Cramps—Harvard Approved, Salty Solution
By Dr. Victor Marchione, MD – March 28, 2016 Drinking pickle juice for cramps might sound like a dirty trick someone’s playing on you. After all, how could sour pickle juice possibly help cramps? Well it might come as a surprise, but it’s a remedy that top-tier and recreational athletes use regularly to alleviate painful…
Why Every Athlete Should Have Pickle Juice
By Kelli Jennings For Active.com Muscle cramps can bring even the strongest athlete to his or her knees. And while, there are a number of theories as to what causes cramps—including hydration, bike fit, form and electrolytes—they seem to happen more in races than in training. Despite the lack of answers as to why cramps…