Pickle Juice for Cramps: Does It Work?
Medically reviewed by Katherine Marengo, LDN, RD, specialty in nutrition, on September 12, 2019m| Written by Adrian White What does pickle juice have to do with cramps? Pickle juice has become a popular remedy for leg cramps over the years — specifically for the cramps runners and athletes get after a workout. Some athletes swear…
Dill Pickle Soup with Smoked Ham
January 9, 2017 This Polish dill pickle soup with smoked ham is a hearty, savory, creamy, and comforting dish. A big pot of it can be on your table in only 45 minutes! It’s not very often that I get excited by soup, but here we are. I’ve wanted to make my own version of…
Pickle Juice Detox Benefits: Detoxification Using Pickle Juice Diet
Published September 26, 2010 by Nick We have to cleanse our body by getting rid of the toxins that have slowly built up their way inside. It is a fact that toxins are ingested in our bodies regularly through the food that we take in. As much as we want it, they have began piling up…
Pickles and Pickle Juice: Healthy or Horrible?
Written by Team Legion | not dated If you hang out in nutrition and fitness circles like I do, you’ll come across all sorts of interesting recommendations. Practically everyone has their own personal miracle drug or perfect natural supplement to make their workouts easier. One of these I keep coming across is pickle juice. People…
Should You Really Be Drinking Pickle Juice After a Workout? It sounds gross, but some people swear it helps with recovery.
By Isadora Baum | Aug 3, 2018 If you think of pickle juice as a beverage at all, it’s probably only as an alcohol chaser. But some people swear that there’s a good reason to chug the briny liquid at the bottom of your pickle jar: it can help reduce muscle cramps and expedite your…
Health Secrets Dr. Oz Only Tells His Friends
Dr. Oz’s 1-Ingredient Hangover Cure Pickle juice! After a long night of drinking your body is zapped of water and electrolytes, which is why you get headaches, dizziness and cramping. The salts in pickle juice will help replenish your electrolytes and put your body back in balance. Dr. Oz recommends 1/4 cup first thing in…
Is Pickle Juice Good for You? The idea of a sugar-free sports drink sounds great—but first, let’s look at the science.
By: Sam Silverman | May 17, 2019 Pickles are a household staple and can be found in the depths of many refrigerators. The juicy spears typically accompany your burger and fries to add some salty zest to your meal. But you may have never wondered about the nutritional benefits of this crunchy snack—or the salty juice it’s…
6 Health Reasons You Need to Be Drinking Pickle Juice
By: Alexa Erickson | Updated: Oct. 01, 2019 If you’re pouring your leftover pickle juice down the drain, you could be missing out on the brine’s healthy benefits—says science. Pickles and other fermented foods boast some pretty impressive health benefits. But you have to use some caution: If you have high blood pressure or are…
Pickle Juice: 4 Health Benefits Of Drinking The Green Juice
Apr 25, 2014 | By Sabrina Bachai Pickle juice — it’s often the forgotten counterpart when enjoying delicious pickles, and fortunately it actually does more than just add flavor to your favorite side dish. There are also many health benefits associated with the leftover juice. According to the New York Food Museum, the history of…
Science be damned, football players are drinking pickle juice to try to ward off cramps
Washington Post | Sports | High School SportsBy: Jacob Bogage September 22, 2016 That bottle doesn’t have water in it. Or Gatorade. Or anything you might want to chug down. There is, instead, pickle juice: briny and sour with seeds floating to the top, acidic enough to sting the back of your throat and make…